* April 24-26 we had a full house for the NLCF 20th reunion. I hope to post some pics soon. When I do, I'll put up a link. All in all, it was a great time to celebrate and catch up with old friends.

* The Bulls-Celtics first round series was incredible. It cost us a number of nights of quality sleep due to all the OT games, but being a Bulls fan, it was so exciting to watch. Of course it didn't end the way we wanted, but it provided us so much excitement and heartbreak for over a week. Definitely something to be mentioned on the blog, and hopefully, the Bulls are just starting to show their potential.
* We had our last HG of the semester on May 6, which included a night of fun and messy games down in the park. The rain caused the ground to be really soft, which meant the eggs didn't break right away in the egg toss game. Wade and Jon rocked that one out. The whipped cream-gum game got a little messy, and I confess I did put an entire plate of whipped cream in Jen's face. :) The group then spent time trying to jump the creek in the park, and Beth and Jess gave us some laughs for the ages when they kept shorting their jumps and landing in the creek!

* My mom and sis visited for a few hours on May 8/9 and brought us some furniture for the new baby room. They weren't here long but we did enjoy a dinner at Outback in an early celebration for Mother's Day.
* Speaking of Mother's Day, David took me on a surprise date to celebrate our first mother's day. He acted like we were going away for the night, so we got packed and left and we drove across town to the Inn at Virginia Tech. We then relaxed the rest of Saturday, took naps and played games and ate room service, and we woke up and had a yummy breakfast at the Inn and then headed to church. It was a great, relaxing surprise. Did I mention I have the best husband ever? :)
* May means SOL month in the public schools, so that's brought about a number of unique days at work. We, of course, had to have several days of 4th grade testing in there, as well as a number of days where we just had to be quiet for several hours because those around us (especially 5th grade) were testing. Made for some interesting days with my clients, who typically struggle being quiet and following instructions. I will be glad when SOL's have ended...
* The VT semester has ended, which means NLCF has transitioned to its summer schedule. We now only have one service on Sundays (9:30 @ Lyric Theater) and we'll start up summer homegroups and Bible studies the last week of May/first week of June.
* I spoke in church last Sunday, May 17, and my talk was titled "Jesus & Chocolate." I'll post a link when it gets uploaded online for any of you non-locals who may want to listen... I know its an intriguing title. :)
* We were in Loudon County this week for Anna & Ben's wedding... they got married at Meadowkirk Christian Camp in Middleburg on Friday night. David had the privilege of walking Anna down the aisle and giving her away. We got to spend plenty of time with the whole Condon clan, and on Saturday morning, David and his best-buddy Steve (married to Jorie, biggest sis of the Condon clan) took off on a man-trip to Cooperstown for memorial day weekend.

I think those are some of the highlights for now... as usual I'll try to get some pics up to show these events in more detail... and I'm really hoping the summer will allow more time for blogging!