We traveled to Richmond over the weekend for the wedding of some friends. We also were able to help my parents start a remodeling project in their kitchen.
Here is Daisy with her godmother Jeanette, who was a bridesmaid in the wedding, on Saturday afternoon.

My parents were gracious and watched Rose the whole time and Daisy during the reception so we could enjoy ourselves. It was nice to have a night out and enjoy talking to friends and participating in the festivities without worrying about Daisy and Rose.
Yesterday morning, we had breakfast with the Schmidts. Steve cooked up some pancakes and served it with lots of fresh fruit. It was a very hot day outside (over 100 degrees), so this was a refreshing way to spend the morning.
Rose enjoyed "playing the piano" in Uncle Steve's lap.

-Daisy had fun climbing all over the couch. Jorie made sure she didn't fall off!
The trip back was long, as we had to stop several times for fussy girls, but overall, it was a great weekend away.