Since we ended up staying in Blacksburg this week, we spend July 4th at home. Since Daisy still talks about the town Christmas parade, we thought we'd try to hit up the July 4th parade. Because Rose had been sick and it was hot outside, we tried to 'stay cool' as best we could during the afternoon.
We decided to walk downtown for lunch and we ate in Moe's to enjoy some air after our hot walk. We then went outside and grabbed seats in the shade for the parade. Daisy got handed a flag during the parade, and she has loved waving it around.

After the parade, we met up with some friends and their two girls (same ages as ours) and we went to Rita's. We then sat in the shade at the opening the the Lyric theater. Here's Rose eating some of mommy's peach-flavored italian ice.

Daisy with her ice... she didn't care about flavors...she just wanted the one that was red/pink in color!

While sitting in the opening to the Lyric, we noticed the lights on. We looked on the schedule and saw they were going to soon be showing "Field of Dreams" for free. David and I both love that movie (in fact he was able to visit the actual site in Iowa back in 2004). Both girls needed naps, and David thought we could get them to fall asleep in our laps in the back of the dark theater. It worked! We were able to get both girls asleep, and Daisy slept on Daddy and Rose slept on me and we watched almost the whole movie. Rose woke up with about 2 minutes to go, so I stepped out in the lobby and we waited on Daddy and Daisy. Fortunately, we know how it ends, and David and Daisy left the theater during the last scene of the cars driving up to the field. It was fun to enjoy a movie as a family -- the girls' first together in the theater with us!

At home, we ate some dinner and Daisy played around with all her bags.

We ended the night by walking outside to watch the town fireworks. We are lucky that we can see them from our house. So Daisy slept through them in her bed as we stepped out the front door, baby monitor in hand. Rose also slept through them in my arms. We then watched the White Sox beat Texas on tv and called it a night. A nice day as a family celebrating our independence.