Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Breakfast of champions

Too busy eating my bunny Graham's to smile

-papa chinn

Daddy and daisy exploring

The hotel in wee early mornings in our jammies while mommy and rose sleep

-papa chinn

Monday, November 5, 2012

Yup... Three tired girls....

-papa chinn

Perfect timing...

Just in time for the connecting flight, two tired girls.... Actually probably three...

-papa chinn

My big jungle gym

-papa chinn

What an airport!

They give out free stickers to cute girls!

-papa chinn

One down one to go!

Great travelers like their mommy!

-papa chinn

Sticker time in Atlanta

-papa chinn

Here we go!!!!

-papa chinn

Riding the bus to the terminal

-papa chinn

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Helpers in the yard

-papa chinn

Autumn daisies and roses

-papa chinn

Breakfast and birds

Just a quick breakfast pic. No one told the girls about daylight savings so we are up eating cereal an looking for birds!

-papa chinn