On July 12, I spoke for the final time this summer at NLCF. (Messages from this summer have finally been loaded online and are available to listen to now.)
David has enjoyed taking pics of my belly growing... this one was from July 13 before we left for work.
On July 18, my mom and sister joined David's mom and sister in throwing us a baby shower for mini-chinny. It was a blast to celebrate with folks and prepare for the big day. We were extremely blessed by all of the generous gifts. After the shower, my mom treated a small group of us to afternoon tea at the Jefferson Hotel. Included with my immediate family (mom, dad, sis and I) were David and his mom, both my grandmothers, and my aunt Elsie. We had a wonderful time eating sandwiches and tea breads, and the scones were to die for. :)
We said farewell to David's mom on July 20 and spent this past week getting the nursery together. We've gotten a lot of stuff arranged, and even though we have some things left to do, we are feeling much more settled.
Finally, this weekend, David thought it would be a wise idea if we sold our 2-door '94 Camry that has about 200,000 miles and bought a little bit newer 4-door car with less miles. We've heard putting a baby seat in and out of a 2-door car can be frustrating, and since David is an avid Craigslist stalker, he found some viable options for us to get a 4-door car. We met a Chinese graduate student at Tech on Saturday morning to test-drive his '97 Nissan Altima and ended up making him an offer and buying his car. He was about to return to China after getting his PhD and his car only has 120,000 miles. So now we just have to sell the Camry and we'll be set!
That's about it for us this month... more to come!
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