3 days ago
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Tiebreaker baseball
Tonight our beloved White Sox are playing a tiebreaker game with the Minnesota Twin(kie)s to make the playoffs. I had intended to do some blog posting about this weekend with my family coming to visit, as well as some pictures from the pee wee football game we went to see in Giles county tonight, but first things first -- my attention is all baseball. :)
white sox
Monday, September 22, 2008
The Week(s) in Pictures
So I was thinking about a way to share a lot without making the post too long. I have a lot to catch folks up on, and as we all know a pictures is worth a thousand words. So if I just post a bunch of pictures, I can say more with less. Plus anyone who knows me knows that I ramble, so this will keep it concise. ☺
Saturday, September 13-Sunday, September 14
We tailgated for the Georgia Tech game again with David’s coworker’s group. They really know how to do a tailgate right. The theme was Georgia-style food, and we contributed banana bread for the breakfast portion and hushpuppies for the lunch portion. David made a homemade hushpuppy mix, and everyone loved them!

Brent and Katherine were in town for the game, and it was great to visit with them. They joined us at the tailgate for a while, and after the game we met up at Boudreaux’s for dinner. I had never eaten there, and I enjoyed it although it was a little spicy for me to eat there regularly. Annie was also in town, so Sunday morning David made breakfast for everyone and it was like an old school homegroup reunion. Yay for a full house!

Thursday, September 18
Susy, my old co-worker from NRCC who’s become a great friend, needed some help with her router at home. So she treated David and I to dinner at El Gran Rodeo in C’burg and we enjoyed catching up on life. She make me laugh and I always have fun and feel full of life when hanging out with her. I hope we can do it again soon.
Friday, September 19
The nlcf retreat was this past weekend, and the focus was spiritual maturity. I was asked to speak on Friday night about growing in your prayer life. The talk’s not up yet, but eventually it can be found online on our church website.
Saturday, September 20-Sunday, September 21
We couldn’t stay for the whole nlcf retreat because we had to head to northern Virginia for a wedding. David was a groomsman, and the couple, Brandon & Jane, actually met through our homegroup several years ago. They are both graduated now, as were many of the other old homegroup friends we saw at the wedding. It was great to be part of of Brandon & Jane’s special day, and wonderful to visit with old friends for the second weekend in a row!

While David was staying with the groomsmen Saturday night, I stayed with my dear friend Rachel, who was farm-sitting for her parents and was also in town for the wedding. Rach & I had a great time catching up on life since both of us are crazy busy and have a hard time keeping up via phone. (She’s in med school in Richmond and on her way to becoming an amazing doctor.) After eating breakfast (fresh eggs from the farm) we went for a walk to get some exercise. Then we cleaned up and headed into Leesburg so I could run some errands. We ended up at a sports bar to watch the first quarter of the Bears game, and we enjoyed a 25-cent wing bar. We also managed to sneak our way into Costco so we could partake in all the free samples, which were delish.

All in all, the past several weeks have been busy but full of lots of good things. Life is great here at hoc, and as I posted earlier, I plan to try and keep everyone updated sooner!
Saturday, September 13-Sunday, September 14
We tailgated for the Georgia Tech game again with David’s coworker’s group. They really know how to do a tailgate right. The theme was Georgia-style food, and we contributed banana bread for the breakfast portion and hushpuppies for the lunch portion. David made a homemade hushpuppy mix, and everyone loved them!
Brent and Katherine were in town for the game, and it was great to visit with them. They joined us at the tailgate for a while, and after the game we met up at Boudreaux’s for dinner. I had never eaten there, and I enjoyed it although it was a little spicy for me to eat there regularly. Annie was also in town, so Sunday morning David made breakfast for everyone and it was like an old school homegroup reunion. Yay for a full house!
Thursday, September 18
Susy, my old co-worker from NRCC who’s become a great friend, needed some help with her router at home. So she treated David and I to dinner at El Gran Rodeo in C’burg and we enjoyed catching up on life. She make me laugh and I always have fun and feel full of life when hanging out with her. I hope we can do it again soon.
Friday, September 19
The nlcf retreat was this past weekend, and the focus was spiritual maturity. I was asked to speak on Friday night about growing in your prayer life. The talk’s not up yet, but eventually it can be found online on our church website.
Saturday, September 20-Sunday, September 21
We couldn’t stay for the whole nlcf retreat because we had to head to northern Virginia for a wedding. David was a groomsman, and the couple, Brandon & Jane, actually met through our homegroup several years ago. They are both graduated now, as were many of the other old homegroup friends we saw at the wedding. It was great to be part of of Brandon & Jane’s special day, and wonderful to visit with old friends for the second weekend in a row!
While David was staying with the groomsmen Saturday night, I stayed with my dear friend Rachel, who was farm-sitting for her parents and was also in town for the wedding. Rach & I had a great time catching up on life since both of us are crazy busy and have a hard time keeping up via phone. (She’s in med school in Richmond and on her way to becoming an amazing doctor.) After eating breakfast (fresh eggs from the farm) we went for a walk to get some exercise. Then we cleaned up and headed into Leesburg so I could run some errands. We ended up at a sports bar to watch the first quarter of the Bears game, and we enjoyed a 25-cent wing bar. We also managed to sneak our way into Costco so we could partake in all the free samples, which were delish.
All in all, the past several weeks have been busy but full of lots of good things. Life is great here at hoc, and as I posted earlier, I plan to try and keep everyone updated sooner!
finding time...
i am alive. i haven't disappeared off the face of the planet. i know its been 2 full weeks since i posted. and even then it had been a while since my previous posting. life continues to race. and i'm realizing that i'm never going to find the time to update my blog, so i've got to start making the time!
i'm not used to being disconnected from the world while i'm at work (no phone or internet from 7:15-4:15 every day). and then i come home and i am wiped, and i usually have meetings and such several nights a week. but i know that i want to keep updating the blog more regularly, so i'm going to try to schedule some time, so that i commit to doing it on a regular basis...
with that, i hope to post more soon. and more regularly...
i'm not used to being disconnected from the world while i'm at work (no phone or internet from 7:15-4:15 every day). and then i come home and i am wiped, and i usually have meetings and such several nights a week. but i know that i want to keep updating the blog more regularly, so i'm going to try to schedule some time, so that i commit to doing it on a regular basis...
with that, i hope to post more soon. and more regularly...
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Update Central
I know its been a gazillion years since I’ve updated… okay, not quite that long. But it has been a while. So much has gone on, and it seems like anytime I’ve had time to breathe I’ve just been ready to crash. But I'm spending some time on the couch watching football, so I thought it would be a good time to update. So here goes:
This week was my first week at my school in the classroom, and it went really well. I have quite a caseload of 4th graders, but I really like all my kids. They kept my hands full, and I definitely have some crazy stories to tell already, but it’s been great to get to work with some neat kids who just need some help. I spend all day, every day in the classrooms with the kids, even eating lunch with them. It’s been like going back to 4th grade all over again, and I’m learning the ropes pretty quickly. I love being back at Eastern and Giles County is quickly becoming “home” again.
We’ve continued to make some changes and improvements here at houseofchinn, including bringing back some furniture from my folks place. On labor day, they drove up from Richmond and brought us a piano and couch. The piano is the one we had growing up that my sis and I took lessons on, and my mom decided the couch was expendable and offered it to us. We really appreciate them driving it up here, and it allows us to continue to transform our upstairs living room into a nice adult sitting room, with the basement room becoming more comfortable as our family room for tv and just general hanging out.
Being the big baseball fans that we are, David and I wanted to catch a game at Yankee Stadium before it’s torn down after this year. Even though we’re not Yankee fans, we wanted to see a huge piece of baseball history. I’ve never been to New York City, so it was a doubly cool experience for me. Cheri & Jordan (my sis & bro-in-law) decided to join us, and the 4 of us drove up to D.C. last Saturday morning, caught a metro to the bus stop, and took the BoltBus up to NYC. We spent Saturday evening walking around and exploring NYC (we did A LOT of walking!) and then on Sunday we went to the Yankees game. We then hustled back to the bus back and caught the last bus back to D.C. We returned to Richmond around 1:00 am. I have so many pictures and thoughts to share about this, that I’ll do a separate post hopefully later this week.
Fall = football. We had the chance to go to a VT game yesterday, and watched as our Hokies struggled to beat Furman. It wasn’t a pretty game, but we had a good time. We plan to watch most of the games this year on tv to save a little money, but David was able to get $5 tickets to Saturday’s game so that was hard to pass up! We tailgated with one of his co-workers and had a great time. We then came home and watched more college football on tv. Go ECU! That’s all I can say – it was so fun to watch them beat up on WVU (one of our hated rivals here in Blacksburg) since we lost to ECU last week. Our consolation -- we didn't lose as bad as WVU! ☺

Today is the first real day of the NFL season, and the Bears play tonight! We’ll be watching football all day long as we track our fantasy teams. I know it sounds lame to a lot of folks, but its really what we find relaxing here at houseofchinn. ☺
Yes, last week (Aug. 29) was my 29th birthday! We had dinner in Richmond at my folks place, and David planned a surprise party Monday for lunch when we got back in town. That was a very nice surprise, and there was a crew of folks waiting with grilled cheese and pokey sticks. You can’t beat that! Top it off with funfetti rainbow chip cake, and I was I heaven. ☺ Thanks everyone who showed up and helped make my birthday celebration a wonderful treat!

Tomorrow is our 7th anniversary! How crazy?!?!? It feels like just yesterday David and I tied the knot. He has a business trip though, and as a result, we’ll celebrate tonight with dinner and the Bears game. David has some plans, so I’ll write more after it happens.
Again -- I’ll try to post pictures soon of lots of the stuff going on… more soon!
This week was my first week at my school in the classroom, and it went really well. I have quite a caseload of 4th graders, but I really like all my kids. They kept my hands full, and I definitely have some crazy stories to tell already, but it’s been great to get to work with some neat kids who just need some help. I spend all day, every day in the classrooms with the kids, even eating lunch with them. It’s been like going back to 4th grade all over again, and I’m learning the ropes pretty quickly. I love being back at Eastern and Giles County is quickly becoming “home” again.
We’ve continued to make some changes and improvements here at houseofchinn, including bringing back some furniture from my folks place. On labor day, they drove up from Richmond and brought us a piano and couch. The piano is the one we had growing up that my sis and I took lessons on, and my mom decided the couch was expendable and offered it to us. We really appreciate them driving it up here, and it allows us to continue to transform our upstairs living room into a nice adult sitting room, with the basement room becoming more comfortable as our family room for tv and just general hanging out.
Being the big baseball fans that we are, David and I wanted to catch a game at Yankee Stadium before it’s torn down after this year. Even though we’re not Yankee fans, we wanted to see a huge piece of baseball history. I’ve never been to New York City, so it was a doubly cool experience for me. Cheri & Jordan (my sis & bro-in-law) decided to join us, and the 4 of us drove up to D.C. last Saturday morning, caught a metro to the bus stop, and took the BoltBus up to NYC. We spent Saturday evening walking around and exploring NYC (we did A LOT of walking!) and then on Sunday we went to the Yankees game. We then hustled back to the bus back and caught the last bus back to D.C. We returned to Richmond around 1:00 am. I have so many pictures and thoughts to share about this, that I’ll do a separate post hopefully later this week.
Fall = football. We had the chance to go to a VT game yesterday, and watched as our Hokies struggled to beat Furman. It wasn’t a pretty game, but we had a good time. We plan to watch most of the games this year on tv to save a little money, but David was able to get $5 tickets to Saturday’s game so that was hard to pass up! We tailgated with one of his co-workers and had a great time. We then came home and watched more college football on tv. Go ECU! That’s all I can say – it was so fun to watch them beat up on WVU (one of our hated rivals here in Blacksburg) since we lost to ECU last week. Our consolation -- we didn't lose as bad as WVU! ☺
Today is the first real day of the NFL season, and the Bears play tonight! We’ll be watching football all day long as we track our fantasy teams. I know it sounds lame to a lot of folks, but its really what we find relaxing here at houseofchinn. ☺
Yes, last week (Aug. 29) was my 29th birthday! We had dinner in Richmond at my folks place, and David planned a surprise party Monday for lunch when we got back in town. That was a very nice surprise, and there was a crew of folks waiting with grilled cheese and pokey sticks. You can’t beat that! Top it off with funfetti rainbow chip cake, and I was I heaven. ☺ Thanks everyone who showed up and helped make my birthday celebration a wonderful treat!
Tomorrow is our 7th anniversary! How crazy?!?!? It feels like just yesterday David and I tied the knot. He has a business trip though, and as a result, we’ll celebrate tonight with dinner and the Bears game. David has some plans, so I’ll write more after it happens.
Again -- I’ll try to post pictures soon of lots of the stuff going on… more soon!
sisterhood of the traveling pants,
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I'm Alive...
I know its been a while since I posted -- two weeks in fact. But a lot has happened these two weeks and has kept me pretty busy.
When I left off, we were just starting kickoff events at NLCF. Not only did those continue, but I also started my new job and had a week of training, then I headed out of town this past weekend for a last vacation, celebrated my birthday, and had my first day in the school (yesterday) with my new job. So a lot has been going on.
But I am alive and well... and I have lots of pictures and stories to share from the previous two weeks. Stay tuned... :)
When I left off, we were just starting kickoff events at NLCF. Not only did those continue, but I also started my new job and had a week of training, then I headed out of town this past weekend for a last vacation, celebrated my birthday, and had my first day in the school (yesterday) with my new job. So a lot has been going on.
But I am alive and well... and I have lots of pictures and stories to share from the previous two weeks. Stay tuned... :)
stay tuned,
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