We enjoyed pumpkin chili, pumpkin hummus, pumpkin corn muffins, toasted pumpkin seeds, and pumpkin mousse for dessert! It was pumpkin all around. Sarah S. even made a pumpkin centerpiece for us to enjoy. :)
After dinner and conversation (during which we were serenaded by piano music by Terri and Sarah H.), a group of us watched "Penelope" at Terri & Jeanette's place.
Saturday, David flew into Richmond and I drove there. We went to visit Mema in the hospital. Mema (my mom's mother) had double-bypass surgery last week and just got moved yesterday to the rehab portion of the hospital.
Also Saturday, Cheri and Jordan came by with the nephews for a quick visit. Papa was staying with mom & dad for a few days to make it easier to see Mema, and so there was a full house!
Asher, Dad & Papa.
Jonas & Uncle Davey like to wrestle.
(As you can see, Jonas likes to run!)
Keep both Mema & Papa in your prayers. Papa has been having a rough go of it since he broke his pelvis late in the summer, and Mema will be in the hospital at least 10 more days or longer. They are both 85 and I know this is hard on them. But God is faithful, and he has been for them throughout the years.