We took Friday off from work and drove to Charlottesville where we switched cars with Lisa (see last weekend's post). She picked up Subway for us, and we ate pretty quickly and hit the road to Richmond, where we stopped at "The Dump" and bought some bedroom furniture! This was monumental, as it is the first NEW furniture that David and I have ever purchased together in our 8.5+ years of marriage. :)
Here are David and Daisy at The Dump by the sample of our new set:

We arranged to pick up the furniture on Sunday with my parents in their old pick-up truck! Then we were off to Mike & Bertie's house. We met Lisa there (she left when we did from Charlottesville so she beat us there because of our stop in Richmond) and we prompty went to the ice cream truck going down the street! We were really hot from our trip because our car's a/c wasn't working. :(
Friday night, we hung out and the boy went and got crabs for dinner. We later sat outside around a fire and grilled hot dogs and s'mores.
David and Mike with some samurai swords Mike was given

David, Mike and Lisa picking crab

The fire pit

On Saturday morning, we went down into Virginia Beach to get Dim Sum. The place we always go is 3 blocks from Katie Pepiot, so David and I went by to visit with her. Daisy hadn't gotten to meet her family yet, so it was fun to show her off.

Isn't this the BEST picture? Really, Daisy did enjoy being held by K-Po.

We went back and joined the rest of the Chinns for Dim Sum.

Here is a picture we took of us afterwards outside of the restaurant.

The girls (Bertie, Lisa, Daisy and I) stayed out shopping while the boys ran errands and did yard work. We got back to the house in the late afternoon.
That evening, Uncle Mike held Daisy for the first time!

David's Aunt PJ (mom's sister) and Uncle Don, who live in Colorado, passed through for a brief visit. It was their first chance to meet Daisy. They took us out to a wonderful Italian dinner!

The night closed with David and his siblings playing Scrabble:

Sunday, we went to Buckroe Beach before heading to Williamsburg to meet my parents at the furniture warehouse. Daisy wore a swimsuit for the first time!
When we got to the beach, she was napping, so I put her in her Peapod tent. She then woke up. Isn't she cute?

Fortunately Mike and Bertie have a big canopy so we were able to sit under the shade the whole time!

After we left the beach, we went and picked up the furniture and we spent the night in Richmond. David used the hose to chase around Jonas and Asher. They had such a great time playing in the water!

First thing Monday morning, we headed back to Blacksburg along with my parents. We got in around lunch time and got the furniture all unloaded and set up! They were a huge help to us. We couldn't have done it without them.
I think that's it for our busy Memorial Day Weekend... we had a great time spending time with family and friends and we feel so blessed to be able to bring back new furniture. I'll post pics of our "new" bedroom soon... but it's not quite done yet!