I was asked to take a picture of one of my projects, the new football locker room addition, so they could show it to the new recruiting class. I thought the best view would be from lane stadium.... Besides it gives me a reason to go hand out in lane!
I went in the west side, rode the elevator up to the presidents suite level, went out the door and walked down the west side stands to the field. The snow on the stairs inthe stands allowed me to almost ski my way down in my boots. It was quite fun and a time saver! However, I under-estimated the difficulty walking in the snow on the field to the north endzone bleachers... And even more so climbing the bleachers in the north endzone. But... I made it and got this picture:

But I thought a birds eye view would be better so I walked through the field up to the gate to the east stands.
I was quickly reminded how difficult it is trying to climb the stairs that already had about ten inches of snow on it. I did get a few pictures from midway up the lower section:
Looking back down from where I just came from...I didn't walk on the bleachers. I figured it would be slippery and I didn't want to fall!

These were good or better but I thought a litter higher and I could get that birds eye view... Or hawk eye view....

But I had had enough of this walking in the snow covered steps. I headed straight for the vomitory... Lucky number 7!

Before I knew it, my left foot was up by my nose, then my right foot, too... and then bam! I was on my back. Not any faster had I slipped on some ice and landed on my back, i started uncontrollably sliding down the vomitory on my back. About ten feet later I came to rest, where I laid for about five minutes making sure these old bag of bones (and kidney) were okay. This was my new view:

yup, the underside of the east stands... I don't believe I hit my head, which was good, but I was and am quite sore, especially my neck... thanks to some tidbits from my doctor (to be, Lisa) my neck will be iced for 24-48 hours, then heated after that!
A view looking back at the ice....

Boy was I smart... I didn't want to keep trudging up the snow covered stairs, so I opted for the iced vomitory! Once I slid down it, I didn't have much of a choice. I wasn't going to make it back up there, so I went to the ramps as I had planned when I entered the lucky #7 vomitory.... Guess what? The ramps were covered in ice, too! This time I was prepared for them and was able to slide up the ramp and walk on some of the areas that didn't have ice. I came out the vomitory at the top and trudged the rest of the way up the snow covered steps where I arrived sweating and tired and head throbbing to take this final picture...

Was it all worth it? I doubt it... but now I can say I have done 'bleachers' in the snow... anyone else?