Once we got back, we sat outside for a while and just chatted. Since Thursday morning, David had only been outside for the ride home Saturday. It was nice to soak in the sun and breathe in fresh air.
Back inside the house, Katie's mom was on the phone with Katie at the hospital. She got off and shared with us the good news. Chris is coming home today! That's right. A huge answered prayer. After the morning blood work, they said Chris' creatinine level was down to a 1.8 (from a 2.5). This was what we were praying for! They had intended to do a biopsy today after yesterday's ultrasound was clear, but the improved blood work allowed them to cancel the biopsy.
Please keep praying for Chris' creatinine level. It needs to stay low, as that shows that the kidney is functioning optimally. There is always the possibility that even if the kidney is accepted in his body, that the kidney disease could return to the new kidney. So right now, we have 3 prayer requests for Chris: 1) a low creatinine level, 2) the kidney to be accepted, and 3) that the new kidney from David stays healthy and does not get the disease.
Thanks for everyone's prayers. I can feel them working and know that it is because of these prayers that we have seen an immediate improvement in Chris today!
Pics from the walk:

Hi Wendy
Greetings from Dublin. We also had to wear winter clothing yesterday.
Thanks for all the great news. David and Chris are in our prayers for a speedy recovery.
We are also praying all goes well today so you guys can come home.
Take care.
Hey Wendy:
Yes,I am actually writing on your blog without you here to show me how to do it. SHOCKER! Anyway, I was so glad to see the pics of David. He looks great! I am so happy to hear that Chris is doing better and may be able to come home. Lots of NRCC folks have been emailing me,calling me, or stopping me in the hallway (you know how I like to wander around the college) to see how David is doing. Know that I am praying for you, David, and Chris continually.
Come back to Blacksburg!
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