After two flights and a 3-hour layover in between in Philly, we finally landed safely in Roanoke around 3:00pm. My parents, sister and nephews were on there way into town from Richmond for my graduation, so we arranged for them to stop in Roanoke to pick us up. We made it back to Blacksburg around 4:30, in time enough to take my nephews to "the 'boose park" (Caboose Park) to run around. David and my dad stayed home and ordered Chinese food, and the ladies and nephews picked it up after the park visit.
After dinner, my mom and I went grocery shopping for Saturday's lunch and got home around 10:00pm, just in time to get everyone settled in and situated for the night. I then looked up all the info about Radford's graduation online to figure out where to go/park on Saturday to pass along the next morning.
After a short sleep, I awoke at 5:53 realizing I had overslept my alarm. I was being picked up by two friends (thanks Rachel & Jesse) who would be driving me over early to graduation. My family and a few other friends/former roommates would come later. My graduation/hooding ceremony was at 8:00am. The ceremony was good although my name was mispronounced. The man said "Rendy" instead of "Wendy." Kind of strange. Anyway, we took some pictures afterwards and then headed home to get lunch ready.
I invited some folks over for a celebration lunch, which consisted of grilled chicken salads and made to order grilled cheese sandwiches. David helped me plan the menu even though he wasn't really up for partying. We had a great time celebrating, and my family headed back to Richmond in the afternoon. Then, while David napped, I enjoyed the company of Steve, Jorie, and Lane as we watched the Kentucky Derby. We then went out to dinner (minus David but plus Peter) at Macado's. Finally, I topped the evening off with dessert at Macado's with Rachel and Jesse, which Rach and I had been planning for months. Nothing says celebration like a Madison Mud Pie!!!!
Anyway, that's the main gist of what happened Friday and Saturday. Today has been filled with the last "big" church service of the semester, which included a farewell to graduating seniors and a send-off/commissioning for the Richmond-church-plant team. Our staff team then had a going away party for our friends of 7 years Chris and Rachel Backert, who are helping lead the team in Richmond. An exciting but bittersweet celebration.
To close, here are some pics from graduation:

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