Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who have provided some meals for us. I cannot express how much this has helped. With me getting back in town, graduating the next day, and then jumping right back into work at NRCC at the close of the spring semester (a busy time), I haven't had time to even really go grocery shopping. Not having to worry about what to cook for dinner has allowed me to focus at work and not stress out. I just really cannot express how much of a blessing this has been.
Also, thanks to those who have stopped by to visit and "check in" on David. I know he has appreciated the company and he is officially stir crazy. He is anxiously awaiting the green light to go back to work, and anticipates that it will be sometime next week. (I think it may be a little soon but he has promised to take it easy.)
He is getting better daily, and although he still has moments of discomfort, his appetite and sleep routines are getting much closer to normal. It will be awhile before his energy level gets back to normal, but the doctors say that is expected and they estimate it really can be several months before he's feeling 100%.
Thank you everyone for all you have done for us. We feel truly blessed to have the friends and family we do.
I'll try to post an update on Chris later today.
Those who signed up and have provided meals:
Dave & Kati Williams
Bill & Irene Sembello
Jackie & Evan Oster
Jeanette Staats
Jorie & Steve Schmidt & Lane Mattox
My coworkers at NRCC (Susy, Hilda, Glenda, and probably more I don't know about)
Ryan & Lisa Hartsook
Steve & Amy Englund
Jesse Losse & JD Newcomb (and the rest of our HG peeps)
Peter Laver (who just left to go back to South Africa)
and anyone else I may have forgotten or not even known about!
5 days ago
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