jeanette's free book: breaking dawn
jeanette called into K92 last monday (where she pegged danny as the liar) and won a copy of the new stephenie meyer book that was being released on saturday. i had never heard of the book, but in order to claim her prize, she had to attend a book premiere party at barnes & noble in roanoke. she invited terri, kati and i to join her, and we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into.
the book jeanette won was the 4th in a series that has become quite popular. in fact we had other friends who are real fans, were attending the premiere at the c'burg b&n and planned to stay up all night reading it they were so excited. this was the type of thing that had an itinerary, where fans get dressed up in costumes and the store has face & nail painting, a scavenger hunt and an art contest to pass the time until the midnight release.

we were merely posers at this event, but were excited about an entertaining evening people watching and hanging out together. we got dressed up and headed to roanoke, and while hundreds were signing in to get their wristbands showing they pre-paid, jeanette was granted a special wristband that made her first in line!!!

they literally did a countdown, the clock hit midnight, and the jeanette got the book first! hooray! i snuck a picture of her actually at the counter first, despite being yelled at by an employee earlier telling me it was against the rules to take pictures in barnes'. how lame.

above is us as we were leaving...we had a security guard take our pic. not so shabby for the ol' man who didn't know how to work a camera. anyway, it was quite a night... and we got home around 1:00am. :)
steppin' out
david's mom flew in town on friday and we ventured down to some of the booths friday afternoon to see jeanette & terri at the nlcf booth and to see my friend susy at the blacksburg summer musical booth. i wanted to introduce my mother-in-law and jeanette to susy, so this seemed like a great time to do so. the weather was sunny and hot, so we didn't stay out long. we met up with david after work and escaped the chaos.
in retrospect, that was a mistake, because saturday morning, when we planned to do more booth looking with mom chinn, it was raining. the rain stopped long enough for jeanette's steel drum concert in the middle of the day.
here are terri & jeanette after the concert... i enjoy taking pics of them because they know how to ham it up for the camera!
we left steppin' out and headed straight for the interstate to take mom chinn to visit lisa (david's sis) at her new place in charlottesville. once we arrived, we took a quick tour and then headed to wal-mart to shop for a few items she needed. we then grabbed dinner in downtown c'ville and returned to her apartment to put together our purchases (several cabinet/shelf things).
i don't have any pictures of this because david and i were both hard at work. we hit the road a little before 9:00pm, which meant we got back to bburg after 11:00. a long day indeed.
red lobster
we closed out our weekend by going out to dinner with mom chinn. she is a school teacher in florida, and the students return to school aug. 11. that means this is her last vacation before a new school year. she wanted to go to red lobster for dinner, and here we are after our meal. i will say that i had a delish dinner which consisted of salmon & vegetables roasted in a parchment bag. it was excellent. and i had self-control and only allowed myself two of the cheddar garlic biscuits, which are to die for.
that's about it for our weekend. today starts my two week countdown at new river. more about that later...
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