yesterday, we were greeted with the company of david's only (and younger) sister, lisa. lisa and her boyfriend, ron, were driving from kerrville,texas to charlottesville, virginia so because she is moving. since i know all smart folks are asking, "why charlottesville?", let me explain.
lisa has been working as an athletic trainer for a small unversity in texas the past few years (after she got her masters). she decided that it was time to go back to school for her PhD in kinesiology (aka sports medicine). she applied and was accepted to UVA, and we have since forgiven her since it means she'll be in the same state as us.
so there are officially 3 chinns in the state of virginia! hooray! (david's brother mike and his wife bertie have lived in va beach since 2004.)
we took them to dinner last night at sharkey's (mondays are bogo burger nights) and then we played spades back at our house. david and i were losing terribly when we finally called it quits and headed to bed. (we lost two hands in a row going blind nill when i was set on the 13th and last trick. bah!)

this morning david helped load up our old entertainment center we decided to get rid of and then he cooked a wonderful breakfast of waffles, eggs, bacon and sausage. the bacon was turkey, so it wasn't really bacon, according to our texas visitors, but the sausage was pork so that was "the real deal." :)

after bfast, david and i headed to work and they hit the road for hooville. you can be sure that the past 24 hours included a lot of joking about uva. i mean how can we resist now that we have a family member at the enemy school? but seriously, it was great to see lisa, meet ron, and we are very excited she will be so close by!
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