We also stopped in the cafe for some hot chocolate, cappucino, pan au chocolait and juice. Wendy got some orange juice and i tried some juice I had never had before... apricot. It was very good, but it was really thick, like a syrup...but it was fun to try a new juice. Dom took a few pictures of Daisy in the cafe. She was enjoying the scenery and playing with a dog at a nearby table.

Perhaps the best picture of the entire trip that Dom took is of this one and our alien daughter...It makes me laugh everytime I see it.

After our 'breakfast' we drove to yet another country,... the country of monaco! We just drove around looking at the crazy fancy cars and the famous casino. I didn't see James Bond but I did see a taxi... that was a maserati... ridiculous. The pictures from Monte Carlo are all on Wendy's camera, so none for the blog... just watch james bond and you'll see what we saw!
We left shortly thereafter and headed back towards Aix to drop Hil off at a retirement home where she and some children sing songs to the community there. After we dropped her off, the four of us stopped at a pizzeria nearby. Dom got a really good pizza and Wendy and I both got our own calzones. The calzones were really good and slightly different from ours in the US, particularly the egg that they put inside the calzone.

Oh yeah... I couldn't pass up ordering a desert. I think Wendy actually picked this one out. We thought it was similar to the desert at pasta cosy, a chocolate and coconut, but it wasn't nearly as good...but still quite good!

Is there anything more beautiful than your wife... in a white sox shirt? I don't think so.

Here we are outside the pizzeria

I think Wendy previously posted, but Daisy learned to grab the bottle with her own two hands, pick up the bottle and put the nipple in her mouth, pull it out, and put it back in. Here she fed herself the bottle and then fell asleep... in her cute italian hat!

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