We left Blacksburg on Wednesday afternoon and drove down to Charlotte. We stopped once to feed Daisy, which wasn't too bad.
Here's David burping her outside the car.

We arrived in Charlotte in time to eat a late dinner at Pizzeria Uno. For those who know us, UNO's is our favorite pizza -- nothing tops Chicago Deep Dish, and this is the only place outside of Chitown to get it. I love the Spinoccoli pizza, it's my favorite pizza of any kind. So the chance to join David on the trip AND get to eat spinocolli was a no-brainer! :)
Here we are with our pizza...yum!

Our hotel was in uptown Charlotte, just a few blocks from UNO's. We decided to put Daisy in the stroller and walk.

She had a good time taking in all the sights, and she actually slept through dinner in the stroller so we got to both eat at the same time! David carried her back to the hotel, but still -- what a treat to get to enjoy dinner and have a "date" together! :)

Today, I stayed at the hotel with a late check-out time while David went to his meeting. We've just been relaxing around. Since Hampton Inn has free breakfast, I took the opportunity to grab a little extra for lunch. I made a PB & honey sammy and snagged a banana and bowl of cereal. In order to eat, I decided to try setting Daisy on the sofa in the room between some pillows.

Since I had my eyes on her, I wasn't nervous about her getting suffocated. And this allowed me to use both hands to eat my cereal. She did great! Even though she wouldn't go down last night in the bassinet, and I held her most of the night, it was great to get a small victory today in the day! :)
We'll head back to B'burg soon... and mark down another first for Daisy -- her first time out of state!
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