While we worked, we attempted to put Daisy down for a nap.

She lasted 15 minutes before waking up fussing. Then we changed her diaper and since she seemed happy on the changing table, we let her lie there for a few minutes.

In the evening, Daddy and Daisy took a nap:

Daddy then fed her a bottle.

Daisy bounced for a while in her bouncy seat.

She really likes to bury her head in Daddy's armpit.

Grammy & Daisy

Daisy swaddled and ready for bed:

She met Matt today for the first time. She also got a package of goodies from her Great Uncle Bob and Great Aunt Sharlene.

That's all for today -- it's bedtime! :)
1 comment:
so cute! it's fun to see pics of Grammy! we have the sleep sheep too. i get freaked out by the whale and the heart beat sounds, so we don't use those. hope you get some good rest tonight!
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