Daisy did make some progress Tuesday night and she slept 3.5 hours in the bassinet in our bedroom. YAY!!!

She's not liking the medicine for thrush too much, so that has been a daily battle. (We have to rub in this medicine in her cheeks 4 times a day with a Q-tip.) Overall, though, she is doing better in daycare. The teachers in the infant room say that she smiles a lot, she loves the swing and bouncy-seat, and she cries very little. She is getting a little sleep there, but still not a lot. But she seems content and seems to be adjusting very well.
This morning, I dressed Daisy in her ladybug sleep n' play outfit from her Halloween costume. This is me leaving her at daycare:

Grammy and Grandpa Rose came in town this evening, and we went to dinner at Bull & Bones. Daisy fell asleep while we ate, conveniently between my mom and I.

When we got home, we gave Daisy a bath and got her changed as it was time to turn on the Bears game...

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