I've been saying for a few weeks I was going to post a job update. But then the actual job/life transition got busy and it got sidetracked. However, several friends have been reminding me that I was going to write a post, so here goes.
As many of you know, I worked for 6+ years at New River Community College doing public relations. I enjoyed my job a lot, but more than the job, I loved the people I worked with. The community college mission is one I believe in and NRCC is an amazing place to work. During my last two years at the college, I was also a full-time graduate student at Radford working on a masters' degree in counseling. I wanted to change career fields and felt God calling me into the counseling field. So it was with sadness that I left NRCC in August 2008.
I began working for Family Preservation Services in Giles County where I was a day treatment counselor in a school. That's a fancy term for someone who worked with specific kids with various issues to help them function in the school setting. I loved my job, and the kids I worked with. It was a blast. I love being in the public schools and really had my eye on a job as a school counselor. I went through several job interviews for various school counseling jobs, and kept being a finalist but not chosen. This was a little frustrating, but I knew God had a plan.
In August, David felt strongly that I should consider working part-time or taking time off when we had our baby. I never had considered this, but as I prayed about it, I felt like he was right. I began to consider part-time work, but had no options. It was about this time that I got a call from a former co-worker at NRCC. She knew I loved being in Giles but she wanted me to know there was an opening at New River for a part-time counselor. At first I didn't think much about the opportunity, but as I began to talk to others and pray, it seemed more like a good option. I was able to apply and interview after Daisy was born and I accepted the job in early October. I put in my notice at FPS and made a special trip to EEMS to tell my coworkers and the students.
It was so hard to decide to leave, but I knew this was a better situation for me as a new mom. Now I am back at NRCC, this time working down in the counseling center. My hours are more flexible, I don't have the paperwork headache every two weeks, and I still get to help people in need. It's kind of like the best of both worlds as a new mom. I'm starting off working 3 days a week, and so far that's working out. The best part is my new job pays me just about the same as my old one, since that one didn't compensate me for having a master's degree, and my new one does. In the end, how can you pass up an opportunity like that? I couldn't.
I love my new co-workers here, and have transitioned pretty smoothly. I miss my friends in Giles a ton, and of course I miss the kids. I even miss the school lunches. (I know, some of you think I'm crazy.) But I know for now this is the best choice for my family, and it allows me to truly put Daisy ahead of my job.
So those are the details... I'm back at an old place, just working with new faces in a new job.
3 days ago
1 comment:
what a cool story! way to follow the Lord's leading! I pray for you and Daisy a lot on Tuesdays, knowing that you're headed to work, and ask God to give you both great days.
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