Of course by sleeping in, I mean that David slept until 7:30ish (then he got up with Daisy) and I slept until 9:00. Probably not what teens would call sleeping in, but we'll take it!
This afternoon David had to go into the office for a couple of hours, and I did some laundry and picked up the house. We then watched the Hokies survive against Georgia Tech - whew!
My parents came in town tonight so they could help me Sunday & Monday while David heads to NOVA on a business trip. He'll be gone until Friday, and I'll be "flying solo" once my parents leave.
We enjoyed a nice dinner at Bud Foster's, then my dad and I went grocery shopping while mom & David stayed at the house.
Daisy slept while we were out.

She slept after we returned (so did Grandpa).

She then slept in her pack and play.

She even cocked her leg up while sleeping.
Maybe I should get the hint and go to sleep, too! :)
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