Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Here's Daisy Lucile Chinn, 15 hours old.

(For those curious, Daisy & Lucile are the first names of David's two grandmothers, both of whom are no longer with us.)


blaireruch said...

oh my goodness! she is precious!
love her! :) Blaire

Kelly Pious said...

I can't believe how beautiful and clear her skin is - she does not look like a newborn! She is so pretty and looks a lot like her momma to me. Can't wait to hold that bundle of love-ness! Thank you for posting! :-) Kelly P.S. Sent your blog to my mom and she agreed with me, that you, Wendy, looked amazing in those picts. My mom said, "I mean, it looks like she just took a little hike or something." Save some birthing tips for me - I'll need them one day!

kati said...

Maggi got the first names of both my grandmothers! always a good choice.