Sunday morning, we got up and headed from Fredricksburg down route 17 towards Tappahannock. We went to Mema & Papa's house and saw a bunch of my family who all wanted to meet Daisy. Daisy got to meet her great grandparents Mema & Papa Carpenter, her great grandmother Granny Rose, her Great Aunt Mary Kay, her Great Great Aunt Margaret, and a handful of cousins Merlyn, Lorrie, Beckie, Jamie, Wyatt and Kate. She also saw her Grammy & Grandpa Rose, Aunt Cheri, and cousins Jonas & Asher.
Here is Daisy with Grammy Rose, Great Great Aunt Margaret & cousin Merlyn.

After leaving Tappahannock, we drove towards Blacksburg and made it as far as Charlottesville before Daisy needed to eat. We stopped at Aunt Lisa's place and fed Daisy and ate some dinner ourselves. (We also caught a few minutes of the Bears game on TV.) We then made the rest of the trip back to Blacksburg to complete the road trip. Daisy did great on the trip back, minus the last 20 minutes when she was hungry again and got a little fussy. But all in all, she did great for being almost 3 weeks old!
Today (Monday), Daisy got to meet some friends at New River Community College. I went in to show her off and she met all kinds of folks. For some reason, I didn't think to take pics while at NRCC. But she did get to meet Hilda, Mark, Joyce, Brenda, Bonnie, Peggy (x2), Ben, and I'm not sure who all else. Hilda walked her around while I met with some other folks at the college. It was great to see everyone and show Daisy off. :)
Here's the pic of the day for Monday...